#16 Carbon Capture: What opportunities are there for capturing and utilizing CO2 at pulp and paper mills?

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ANDRITZ is stepping up its activities to not only reduce CO2 emissions, but also capture existing emissions for either storage or for further use in added value applications.

The latest solutions developed feature highly efficient and well integrated energy cycles, especially for industrial customers, including pulp and paper mills. As well as capturing the emissions, the technology also delivers the CO2 at the required purity and pressure for further applications.

The ANDRITZ CO2 capturing technology opens up exciting opportunities for the pulp and paper industry since its CO2 is considered to be from biogenic origin, which, due to its high level of purity, can be used within the pulp mill or utilised for the production of e-fuels, e-methane, or green ammonia.

In this podcast we speak to ANDRITZ experts, Harald Reissner, Division Manager Air Pollution Control, and Klaus Bärnthaler, VP Air Pollution Control, about new, exciting possibilities with the capture of CO2.

Want to find out more? Visit our website: Decarbonization

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