#02 Steel Yankee – the re-invention of the wheel?

Show notes

They say you can’t re-invent the wheel, but it seems that ANDRITZ has done that just that with its PrimeDry Steel Yankee. The Yankee is even the shape of a wheel …

Safety is of major importance when it comes to the steel Yankee. ANDRITZ has carried out a lot of work on this front in eliminating the chance of explosions. But there is more; the steel Yankee also makes a major contribution to the circular bioeconomy and the reduction of carbon footprint at tissue and paper mills.

Listen to this deep-dive episode for more insights!

Guests in this episode: Riccardo Pierini, Customer Care Manager Tissue at ANDRITZ Franz Harrer, Head of Technology Tissue at ANDRITZ

Want to find out more? Watch the video “A Day in the Life of Franz Harrer” on YouTube: www.andritz.com/tissue-experts-fh

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