#21 Maintaining excellence: How do you balance old and new at paper mills?

Show notes

You can witness the remarkable evolution of servicing and maintenance in the automotive industry when you consider how far it has advanced over the past few decades. Breakdowns by the roadside have become increasingly rare, primarily because vehicle manufacturers have established clear service agreements and schedules to ensure that cars remain on the road. This approach to maintenance has now been adopted by pulp and paper mills across Europe.

Less unscheduled stoppages and breakdowns equals better overall efficiency which in turn results in much more effective use of raw materials and energy. This all adds up to improved sustainability at pulp and paper mills, as well as valuable cost savings.

In this podcast we talk to two ANDRITZ experts in the field of maintenance, Ismo Ihalainen, Global Product Manager and Synergy Product Director and Marcio Wagner, Maintenance Director, Asset management, and Iberian Business Manager. Find out how scheduled maintenance can increase the lifetime of equipment at pulp and paper mills, while simultaneously boosting efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint.

To find out more visit our website

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