#23 What does the future hold for ANDRITZ Pulp & Paper Business Area under new leader Jarno Nymark?

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The Pulp & Paper business area at ANDRITZ is the largest business area within the company with an order intake of more than EUR 3 billion and roughly 14,000 employees. This global business area covers the pulp and paper industries, as well as the rapidly growing textile sector.

Jarno Nymark has recently been appointed to the Group Executive Board of ANDRITZ and also functions as Business Area Manager for Pulp & Paper, having moved up from his previous position as Vice President and Global Division Manager for Fiber Technologies. He has a long history within ANDRITZ and held several management positions both in the capital and service areas.

In this podcast we talk to Nymark about his significant past at ANDRITZ, where he started out as a service engineer in 1999, moving through the whole pulp and paper business area in various functions, including spells of working in China and Germany. We also find out about his plans and goals to keep ANDRITZ Pulp & Paper at the top of the business segments it operates in, as well as lead new ones into the future. With a passion to help customers achieve their goals of producing “more with less” when it comes to natural resources use, this business area will be an interesting one to watch into the future.

To find out more, visit our website: www.andritz.com/pulpandpaper

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